Friday, October 29, 2010

Flies Don't like KALAN!!

Flies don't like the taste of Kalan. For those of you who don't know what kalan is, let me explain -Kalan is a dish famous in Kerala which is prepared using curd and yam and pepper being used to make it spicy.  

We had rice, kalan, cabbage curry, payasam! (Oh nothing special we had lot of jaggery which lying unused for a month or two), buttermilk, papad and mango pickle for lunch some day in the bygone week. I had kept the dishes covered with plates except kalan. When I was about to start my lunch this unwelcome guest came from no where and started flying over all the bowls except the bowl which had Kalan. I tried to shoo it away however it kept changing its place from one bowl to the other and disturbing my lunch. It took me a while to realise that this bloody fly was not interested in kalan.

That created a doubt in me: Is it that flies don't like food spicy, but then I saw it sitting on the bowl which had pickles that could not be the reason?.If you were thinking that the dish was not tastable could be the reason then let me tell you ,acchan is an expert cook for which many would vouch  and the dish was made tasty , i can't come up with any reason, Can you ? Till then I will presume that   "FLIES DON'T LIKE KALAN'

Eureka!! I found a way to have a peaceful meal without being troubled by these dirty flies. Hey you people too try it at home, prepare kalan in large quantity which would last for a week even when eaten thrice a day. Believe me the flies will never ever come back after being disappointed for week seeing this kalan. I am going to try it at home and once it is successful I will submit a thesis and get a patent for it.......


  1. hi, It would be great if you give us the receipe to try out.. ;-)


  2. Spike i will give you the is a dish which bachekor like us can make and eat for months...
